Latham or de Lathom

This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Latham or de Lathom. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Dunning [I66795224] 1031?
Henry Fitz Siward [I66787387] April 27, 1093
Hugh Sebastion [I66692459] December 14, 1272
Jane Janette [I66692453] March 10, 1270
Phillip Andrew [I66691772] 1288
Richard Fitz Henry [I66787898] December 31, 1124
Richard Fitz Robert [I66756735] March 31, 1145
Robert Henry Fitz Henry [I66757261] August 18, 1123
Siward Fitz Dunning [I66787924] July 4, 1073
Thomas Edward Fitz Richard [I66755111] February 12, 1241
Thomas Lemar [I66692435] February 23, 1269