Unknown 2

This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Unknown 2. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Adeline [I529944959] 1056
Agatha [I525400371] 1195
Agnes [I504019070] 1257
Agnes [I509351543]  
Agnes [I519505746] 1190
Agnes [I529963873] 1100
Ala [I529425679] 1065
Alesia [I527434320] 1169
Amice [I515604189] 1170
Anneis [I529969289] 1080
Basilia [I514142351] 1123
Beatrice [I527014165] 1205
Beatrice [I529967427] 1108
Egidia [I520277223] 1187
Ellen [I524166338] 1133
Emma [I517447644] 1190
Eve [I517651219] 1225
Ivetta [I529955953] 1110
Joan [I501136687]  
Juliana [I521401083] 1154
Loretta [I517839354] 1220
Margaret [I501836073] 1212
Margaret [I529425577] 1174
Margery [I119167345] 1265
Margery [I501130963] 1242
Margery [I501923407]  
Margery [I529967221] 1150
Matilda [I529644741] 1100
Maud [I117405257] 1301
Millicent [I529954331] 1155
Muriel [I523307282] 1200
Osceria [I529959581] 1083
Rohese [I521399707] 1170
Rohese [I529952530] 1147