Bristol, Gloucestershire, England
de Somery, Joan
Family of fitz Harding 2, Maurice and de Berkeley 2, Alice
fitz Harding, Helen
fitz Estmond 2, Eva
Burgess, Joan
Family of fitz Harding, Maurice and de Berkeley, Alice
fitz Harding, Robert
fitz Harding, Nicholas
fitz Hamon, Maud
de Berkeley I 1, Maurice
fitz Harding 2, Robert
de Gloucester, Livida
de Spencer, Hugh
fitz Hamon 2, Maud
fitz Harding, Maurice
de Caen 3, Robert
fitz Estmond, Eva
Castellan de Gloucester, Robert
de Bohun IV, Humphrey
de Berkeley 2, Alice
Moon, James
de Caen, Robert
fitz Robert de Caen, Maud
de Gloucester, Mabel
de Berkeley, Alice
Unknown, Estmond
Family of Moon, James and Burgess, Joan
de Gloucester, Christian
de Berkeley II, Thomas
fitz Harding 2, Maurice
Moon, James
de Beauchamp, Agnes
de Caen 2, Robert
de Berkeley I 2, Maurice