
Gramps ID P1621


  1. Vitrie, Annora [I516794491]
  2. Caldwell, Joseph John [I529951275]
  3. Whytt, Robert [I529956708]
  4. de Birmingham, Eve [I521060516]
  5. Parks, Mary Jane [I527200659]
  6. MacBranain, Orlaith [I529938052]
  7. Family of Caldwell, Thomas and Parks, Mary Jane [F511227737]
  8. Caldwell, Thomas [I527200658]
  9. McGhie, Elizabeth Jane [I529951276]
  10. le Botiller, Matilda [I526478676]
  11. de Cogan, Juliane [I516473893]
  12. Family of Caldwell, Joseph John and McGhie, Elizabeth Jane [F512316239]
  13. de Audley, James [I505963497]
  14. de Audley 2, James [I518312013]
  15. de Prendergast, Philip [I529962514]
  16. Lovel, Henry [I527433393]