
Gramps ID E6325
Date 1859-06-17
Place Americus, Georgia


The Southern Christian Advocate
Laurens Co., Georgia
Issue: July 06, 1859
Page 3 column 4

At the residence of her husband, near Americus, on the 17th inst.,Sister Amanda Barlow, aged 37 years, 6 months, and 11 days. In1843 she was baptized upon a profession of her faith in Christ, andunited with the Baptist Church in Americus, of which she continued adevoted and consistent member until this relation was dissolved bydeath. During her last illness, which was of more than three monthscontinuance, she suffered very severely, but was never heard tomurmur. To the will of God she seemed entirely resigned, and oftenreferred to her approaching end, but always spoke of it as "goinghome." Her thoughts seemed to run much upon heaven, and shefrequently spoke of it to her husband and others, as "the betterland." She was speechless for three weeks before her death, butstill gave evidence by signs, that her faith in the Redeemer wasunshaken. But she is gone, and has left a heart~stricken husband, asorrowing sister, and a large circle of relatives and friends tomourn her loss. But while they drop the tear of sorrow, they willever think of her as a rejoicing spirit in the world of glory.

May God comfort the bereaved!




  1. Allen, Amanda Melvina (Primary) [I7746]