
Gramps ID E6298
Date 1851-06-29
Place Butts, Georgia


The Christian Advocate
Laurens Co., Georgia
Issue: October 09, 1851
page 163 column 5

Died, on the 29th day of June last, at the residence of herhusband, near the Indian Springs Butts County in the 61rst year ofher age, Mrs. Martha Barlow, wife of Mr. Richard Barlow. Thedeceased was a native of Edgefield District, South Carolina; residedfor many years after her marriage, in the County of Laurens, Ga.,but for the last 12 or 14 years near the Indian Springs in ButtsCounty.

A large circle of acquaintances and numerous relatives and friends, towhom the many virtues, kind attentions, and charitable offices ofthis excellent lady had endeared her sorrowfully sympathized with herbereaved husband and children, in their loss.

She died a pious, believing Christian, full of hope andconfidence in a bright and blissful immortality beyond the grave.As she had lived for more than 20 years, she died in full faith,
a worthy esteemed and exemplary member of the Baptist Church loved byall who had the pleasure of her acquaintance. Her death hasleft a void, scarcely to be filled, and a loss surely lamented byher family, friends and neighbors.

Source References

  1. Oral family history [S0067]
      • Page: Lundie Weathers Barlow
      • Confidence: Low


  1. Hollingsworth, Martha (Primary) [I7722]