
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Jarvis. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Deborah [I69061] 1673
Diantha [I30177] WFT 1799-1823
Edna Louise [I65669] 1883-07-12
Elizabeth [I105063] before 1647
Eunice [I173569] WFT 1678-1707
Frank Woodbury [I181392] WFT 1868-1888
Gertrude [I176565] WFT 1851-1877
Hatie Hart [I49853] WFT 1824-1843
Jane [I27121] 1726
Susannah Maria [I50418] 1800-07-18
Vivian Belle [I10801] Private