
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Coley. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Abigail [I53152] 1680
Charles H. [I51136] 1842
Charles W. [I51139] 1850
Cliff [I45743]  
Daniel [I36963] WFT 1665-1688
Edwin M. [I51138] 1848
Elizabeth [I2163] 1854-05-31
Esther [I36277] WFT 1665-1688
John [I172536] about 1586
John [I35491] WFT 1665-1688
Louis M. [I49879] WFT 1794-1825
Lucy M. [I51137] 1844
Mary [I126439] 1612
Samuel [I127353] about 1608
Samuel [I35492] WFT 1665-1688
Samuel [I37127] WFT 1630-1650
Samuel [I53105] 1650
Samuel [I53144] 1718
Sarah [I168843] WFT 1635-1660