
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Plum. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Deborah [I120276] 1749-11-02
Dorcas [I72001] WFT 1616-1639
Esther [I120217] 1741
Hannah [I120277] 1743-08-19
Jemima [I120274] 1745-11-14
Lucy [I120275] 1755
Lucy [I120279] 1748-06-15
Lydia [I120278] 1736-05-00
Margret C. [I95377] WFT 1782-1804
Minerva [I65073] 1803
Patience [I115557] WFT 1769-1793
Phebe [I120281] after 1759
Rachel [I120273] 1743-08-19
Seth [I120282] after 1759