
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Faucette. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Elinor [I158274] WFT 1745-1772
Frances [I158935] WFT 1809-1832
George [I157498] WFT 1785-1815
James [I158324] WFT 1741-1781
Lucy [I158320] WFT 1769-1794
Margaret [I158322] WFT 1769-1794
Mary [I158321] WFT 1769-1794
Mary [I158934] WFT 1809-1832
Nancy [I157135] WFT 1780-1815
Rachel [I158323] WFT 1769-1794
Robert [I158933] WFT 1809-1832
Unknown [I157710]  
William [I157499] WFT 1776-1803
William [I158932] WFT 1774-1794