
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Kautz. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
[I164775] WFT 1863-1892
Albert [I164788] WFT 1864-1890
Arthur [I164776] WFT 1863-1892
Aubrey S. [I164752] 1909-07-23
Bernard [I164751] 1899
Dollie Louise [I164745] 1876-06-04
Edward [I164787] 1875
Elizabeth [I164768] 1851
Emma [I164744] 1875-05-15
Emma [I164786] 1879
Ethel [I164774] 1878
Ethel [I164791] WFT 1873-1902
Flora [I164746] 1886-03-22
Frederick [I164753]  
Frederick [I164766] 1843
Frederick [I164784] 1870
George [I164761] 1813
George [I164764] 1842
George John [I164742] 1872-11-02
Jacob [I164767] 1852
John H. [I164739] 1848-10-14
Joseph [I164793] WFT 1873-1902
Lillian Rose [I164754]  
Maggie [I164763] 1859
Mary Elizabeth [I164741] 1871-07-22
Myrtle [I164795] WFT 1873-1902
Nellie Clara [I164445] 1881-08-02
Ralph [I164794] WFT 1873-1902
Regina [I4243] WFT 1870-1893
Rose [I164765] WFT 1834-1860
Rose [I164785] WFT 1864-1890
Rose Ann [I164743] 1873-12-24
Sarah [I164783] 1872
William [I164789] 1877
William Lewis [I164749] 1890-07-27