
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Grubb. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Charity [I182564] about 1686
Emanuel [I72979] 1682-07-19
Henry [I182389] about 1692
Henry [I66075] about 1555
Hentry [I179816] 1654
John [I112604] 1652-04-20
John [I182565] 1684-11-00
Joseph [I182562] about 1690
Mary [I180881] BET. 1815 - 1825
Nathaniel [I179002] about 1696
Peter [I170319] 1705/6-02-12 (Julian)
Phebe [I117556] BET. 1685 - 1696
Samuel [I182392] about 1694
Sarah B. [I20452]  
Telitha Ann [I180879] 1836-06-22
William M [I180900] about 1810
Willmot [I63655] 1656