
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Ferebee. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Alec [I10047] WFT 1862-1901
Bertie [I10050] WFT 1862-1901
Clarence [I10049] WFT 1862-1901
Ella [I10038] WFT 1837-1860
Frank [I10051] WFT 1862-1901
Jettie [I10052] WFT 1862-1901
John [I10039] WFT 1837-1860
John [I10046] WFT 1862-1901
Tom [I10048] WFT 1862-1901
William [I10037] WFT 1802-1822