
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Carrington. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Alfred [I159779] WFT 1782-1817
Anne [I49543] WFT 1766-1789
Elisha [I49545] WFT 1766-1789
Hannah [I125337] WFT 1659-1683
Harry [I49542] WFT 1766-1789
Jeremiah Captain [I154245] WFT 1733-1753
John [I125779] about 1642
John [I49440] WFT 1721-1748
Liverus [I173298] WFT 1766-1792
Mabel [I49544] WFT 1766-1789
Martha [I49437] WFT 1726-1752
Miles [I49546] WFT 1766-1789
Olive [I49488] WFT 1748-1769
Peter [I126257] WFT 1652-1672
Rebecca [I54029] 1646