
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Robert. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
[I112523] before 1056
[I134240] WFT 799-841
[I185337] about 1011
[I185920] about 918
[I186023] WFT 849-869
[I186108] about 1037
Count Of CORBEILL [I185970] about 895
Delia [I57533] about 1860
I [I112301] WFT 1197-1228
I [I134238] 870
I [I185321] about 999
I [I22715] about 870
II [I112351] 970
II [I184684] 1315/6-03-02 (Julian)
III [I185248] BET. 1051 - 1056
Living [I159908]  
Prince OfScotland [I184565] about 1383