
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Montogue. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Alfred [I165980] WFT 1898-1949
David [I165981] WFT 1898-1949
Edward [I165977] WFT 1872-1911
Enis [I165975] WFT 1872-1911
Evelyn [I165973] WFT 1872-1911
Fay [I165976] WFT 1872-1911
Harriet [I165972] WFT 1847-1870
Marion [I165974] WFT 1872-1911
Richard [I165979] WFT 1898-1949
Stephen [I165982] WFT 1898-1949