
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Goar. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Elizabeth [I113364] 1834
Francis Marion [I112771] 1844
Francis William [I113360] 1888-08-25
George W. [I113369] about 1842
Ivy Irene [I113212] 1882-11-26
James Christian [I112791] 1838-11-04
Mary Alice [I113362] 1894-05-14
Mary Emeline [I112770] 1837
Myrtle Edna [I113358] 1881-09-27
Richmond Bledso [I113367] 1840-11-23
Solomon [I112813] 1810-01-30
Solomon Elijah [I113361] 1884-07-19
Solomon P. [I112773] 1846
Thomas A. [I113365] 1835-06-00
William Madison [I112774] 1865