
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Stowe. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Alma [I164534] Private
Anna [I52572] 1725
Catherine [I54947] WFT 1805-1825
Christopher [I36164] WFT 1560-1586
Edith C. [I135761] WFT 1836-1860
Elizabeth [I173213] WFT 1653-1674
Elizabeth [I36166] WFT 1560-1586
Elizabeth [I52569] 1688
Joane [I36165] 1575-08-07
John [I36161] 1538/9-01-02 (Julian)
John [I36163] about 1515
John [I36168] 1580/1-01-14 (Julian)
Katherine [I36212] WFT 1536-1565
Margaret [I36172] 1545/6-03-05 (Julian)
Martha B. [I50990] 1801-06-15
Mary [I104849] 1707-09-06
Nathaniel [I104852] before 1687
Thankful [I155444] WFT 1633-1655
Thomas [I36170] WFT 1560-1586
Unknown [I131188]  
William [I36171] WFT 1561-1602
Zachary [I36169] WFT 1560-1586