
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Wilkinson. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Bertha [I181722] 1873-10-03
Daniel Douglas [I160874] WFT 1851-1884
Daniel Douglas, , Jr. [I160877] Private
Elizabeth [I124750] about 1600
Elizabeth [I2387] about 1813
Elizabeth Irene [I160876] 1900-07-01
Francis [I104555] 1636/7-02-07 (Julian)
Henry [I105006] 1577
John [I184632] WFT 1617-1637
John Ed [I181746] about 1847
Laura Graham [I160878] Private
Lawrence [I167530] WFT 1610-1630
Margaret Virginia [I160875] Private
Mary Ann [I39747] WFT 1850-1870
Mr. [I53852] 1898
Robert [I105008] before 1535
Susana [I158248] WFT 1758-1780
William [I105001] before 1616
William [I174762] WFT 1481-1501