
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of Dukes. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Edward [I47001] about 1834
Elisha [I14178] WFT 1865-1895
Elizabeth [I42522] WFT 1831-1854
Elizabeth A. [I47003] about 1838
Henrietta R. [I47002] about 1836
Joel [I46947] about 1802
Leander [I15635] WFT 1825-1858
Leander J. [I47006] about 1844
Living [I42865]  
Mary [I42488] WFT 1832-1855
Mary A. [I47004] 1840-02-06
Temperance E. “Tempie” [I45087] 1867-07-03
William H. [I47005] about 1842