
This page contains an index of all the individuals in the database with the surname of McNamee. Selecting the person’s name will take you to that person’s individual page.

Given Name Birth
Amzi [I68940] about 1820
Barnabas [I149350] about 1790
Barnabas [I173777] about 1730
Cynthia Ann [I155383] about 1790
Cyrus K. [I164961] about 1790
Elias [I120878] about 1760
Elias B. [I12279] about 1820
Elias B. [I91358] BET. 1790 - 1800
Gideon [I49661] about 1760
Helena A. [I172705] about 1790
Isaac [I68942] 1762
Israel Isaac [I174045] about 1790
Jacob [I143246] about 1760
Margaret [I40185] about 1760
Mary [I174066] about 1790
Mary [I18264] about 1760
Mesach Lewellin [I149470] about 1790
Rachel Cairy [I172473] about 1790
Rueben [I120883] about 1760
Rueben P. [I174070] about 1790
Sarah [I28466] about 1760
Sarah A. [I37027] 1823-03-02
Sarah Townsen [I174072] about 1790
William Joseph [I155746] about 1790