[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 22, Ed. 1, Tree #3242, Date of Import: Dec 1, 1998]
Samuel Wilson:
The History and Genealogies of Ancient Windsor; Henry R. Stiles; 1892:
Samuel is probably a son of Robert Wilson 1647 who was a kinsman of Thomas Nowell and received from him a bequest in 1648, as also did Isabel Wilson, wife of William Phelps, Jr. No family is recorded for him. Samuel was a contributor to the Connecticut Relief Fund of 1676, He was a nephew of Isabel Wilson, the wife of William Phelps, Jr. and lived with him as a son. In 1683 acknowledged a diving fence to have been erected "by himself and his brother-in-law Griffin, about the time of the Indian War, when they kept garrison at my Uncle Philip's house." In 1696 he with John Wilson of Hartford were summoned by the court to answer for illegal trespass upon and improving lands formerly of Thomas Nowell, and then in occupancy of Thomas Cook, and claimed by Thomas Dawson. John Wilson of Hartford was probably the John who settled at Hartford in 1675 and probably son of Robert of Farmington, deacon of South Church 1688, and very likely brother of Phineas who settled at Hartford in 1675, a wealthy merchant from Dublin. Both were mentioned in Hartford County Mem. History.[phelps2185.FTW]
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 16, Ed. 1, Tree #2185, Date of Import: Jun 23, 1999]
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #3032, Date of Import: 15 Aug 1997]
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 16, Ed. 1, Tree #2185, Date of Import: Jun 23, 1999]
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 2, Ed. 1, Tree #3032, Date of Import: 15 Aug 1997]