[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 3, Ed. 1, Tree #2444, Date of Import: Nov 5, 1998]
MIDDLETON, WI.-William H. Pierstorff, 71, former secretary of the
Middleton Fire Insurance Co. for 36 years, died Friday at a Madison
hospital after a long illness. A resident of Middleton for 60 years,
Mr. Pierstorff had served as village president, and was a member of
theDane county board for many years. He resigned from his position with
the local insurance firm in 1947 and moved to Verona to make his home
with his son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. M.W. Schuetz. Mr.
Pierstorff was employed by the state insurance department for a period of
20years. He was born in Verona but moved here at an early age and
graduated from Middleton high school. He was also a graduate of the
Platteville normal school. He served on the Middleton school board for
several years. He was married to the former Alice Lappley here in
1904. Mrs. Pierstorff died in 1947. A 32nd degree Mason, he was a
member of the Middleton masonic lodge No. 180 and a member of the Eastern
Star. Surviving are his daughter, Mrs. Schuetz; three brothers, George,
Frank and Aldro, all of Madison: a sister, Mrs Marie Lohlf, Mt. horeb,
and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Monday at 2 p.m.
at the Gruber funeral home, Middleton. The rev. Walter Clausing will
officiate and Masonic services will be concucted at the graveside.
Pallbears will be George, Aldro, and Frand Pierstorff. George
Pierstorff, Jr,. Duane Pierstorff, and William Schuetz.