Marjorie Orr, Apr 24, 2003
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Carlew, William Tedford
Birth, Carlew, William Tedford
Rhodes, Charity
Burial, Rhodes, Charity
Marriage, Family of Bloodworth, Thomas and Cochran, Mary Elizabeth
Cochran, Mary Elizabeth
Bloodworth, Thomas
Cooper, Tacy
Birth, Cooper, Tacy
McQuaid, William H
Bloodworth, Thomas
Cooper, Nancy
Cooper, Francis
Cochran, Mary Elizabeth
Cooper, Margaret
Cooper, Tacy
Death, Cooper, Tacy
Cooper, Polly
Rhodes, Charity
Death, Rhodes, Charity
Birth, Bloodworth, James B
Bloodworth, James B
Cooper, Sally
Cooper, Elizabeth
Cooper, Martha
Death, Carlew, William Tedford
Carlew, William Tedford
Cooper, Jane
Birth, McQuaid, William H
McQuaid, William H
Carlew, William Tedford