Samuel Eagan, Randolph Co, MO Will book C, p. 96.
Grainger County, Tennessee Deed Book 13, p. 153 Deed David Clayton to
Samuel Eagan 20th December 1807 between Daniel Clayton of he Sate of
Tennessee & County of Greene and Samuel Eagan of the State of Virginia and
Town of Stanton County of Augusta in consideration of the sum of $1600.00
paid by Eagan for a tract of land lying and being in Grainger County &
State of Tennessee on Richland Creek adjoining the Town of Rutledge it
being part of a 300 acre tract of land granted to William Cocke by the
State of North Carolina and conveyed by said William Cocke to William Stone
& the lower & the lower part of said tract conveyed to said Clayton by said
Stone. Beginning at a post oak Spanish Oak and Hickory corner of the
original tract and also corner of the conditional line made between said
Stone and Bartholemew Smith thence West on the original line 100 polls to
an Iron wood sapling on the South bank of Richland Creek corner of the part
of tract sold by said Clayton to Martin Holbert then across said creek
along the line of the part of said tract sold to Sounts along the meanders
of a dry branch or part of said creek 12 poles to a walnut corner of said
Town land thence with the line of said Town North 14 deg West 31 poles to a
stake corner of said Town thence South 76 deg West with the line of said
Town 37 poles to a stake corner to the part sold to Frederick Moyers then
North 14 deg West along said Moyers line 48 poles to a stake on the
original line of said 300 acre tract thence with said line North 42 deg
East 148 poles to a stake corner of the conditional line made between Stone
& Smith thence South 17 deg East along said conditional line 200 poles to
the beginning containing 100 acres. (P. 154)
Daniel Clayton SEAL In
presence of J. Cocke )
Jurors John E. Jack )
proven Feby Session
1808 Amb Yancey C G C Registered March 23rd 1808
Saml Peery R G C