Family of ORR, Isaac Newton and Orr, Mollie


Married Husband ORR, Isaac Newton [I0006] ( * 1880-02-26 + 1970-06-19 )
Married Wife Orr, Mollie [I0007] ( * 1884-09-15 + 1962-12-12 )
Event Date Place Description Notes Sources
Marriage [E12888] 1902-12-31 Dover, Pope Co., AR  
Name Birth Date Death Date
ORR, RUBY LOUISE [I0003]1911-12-221989-12-09
Orr, Luin Smith [I0008]1904-10-061962-03-12
Orr, Mary Eva [I0009]1906-08-011982-08-10
Orr, Mildred Valley [I0010]1908-10-061908-10-06
Orr, Robert Newton [I0011]1914-01-021944-10-30
Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 4171


Received from Marjorie Orr April 24, 2003 copy of Marriage License and certificate of marriage. Original in my possession.

Marriage License
State of Arkansas
County of Pope To any person authorized by law to solemnize marriage--Greetings:
You are hereby commanded to solemnize the Rite and publish the Banns of Matrimony between Mr. I.N. Orr of Famous in the County of Pope and State of Arkansas aged 23 years; and Miss Mollie Smith of Salerno in the County of Pope and State of Arkansas aged 18 years; according to law, and do you officially sign and return this License to the parties herein named.
Witness my hand and official seal, this 20th day of Dec., AD 1903
G S Falls, County Clerk

Certificate of Marriage
State of Arkansas,
County of Pope
I HOMER RUSHING do hereby certify that on the 31st day of December, 1902, I did, duly and according to law as commanded in the foregoing License, solemnize the Rite and publish the Banns of Matrimony between the parties therin named.
My credentials are recorded in Recorder's Office Johnson County, Ark., Book A Page 25
Witness my hand, this 31st day of December, AD 1902
Homer Rushing
Filed and duly recorded this 21st day of Jan, 1903
G S Falls, Clerk and Ex-officio Recorder.


Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 4171

Source References

  1. Marriage Certificate [S3147]