Duffus Castle, Morayshire, Scotland
References (9)
1160 Individual:
Hugh of Duffus De+ Moray
(b. ~1160 )
1164 Individual:
William of Duffus De+ Moray
(b. ~1164 )
1172 Individual:
Freskin of Duffus The+ Fleming
(d. <1172 )
1200 Individual:
William De Moray Of+ Sutherland
(b. ~1200 )
1334 Individual:
Mary+ Cheney
(b. ~1334 )
1362 Individual:
Henry+ Sutherland
(b. ~1362 )
1363 Individual:
Nicholas+ Sutherland
(d. >1363 )
1394 Individual:
Alexander Alasdair+ Sutherland
(b. ~1394 d. ~1484 )
1427 Individual:
Alexander+ Sutherland
(b. ~1427 )