"[T]he brooch was given to him. Then he went to Mes Gegra, the king of Leinster. Mes Gegra had a brother called Mes Róida, and they were the sons of two mutes - their mother and father were both deaf and dumb. Mes Gegra gave Athirne a great welcome.
Athirne demanded the king's wife that night.
'Why should I give you my wife?' said Mes Gegra.
'For your honour's sake,' replied Athirne. 'Otherwise, kill me, and the shame of Leinstermen will be so great that the Ulstermen will never be finished avenging me on you.'
'You will find no welcome here for the sake of the Ulstermen,' said Mes Gegra. 'You will have the woman for the sake of my honour, but there is no man in Ulster who could take her unless I gave her voluntarily for my honour's sake.'
'I say this truly,' said Athirne, 'I will not rest until an Ulsterman carries off your head and your wife.'
'I won't hold that against you,' said Mes Gegra. 'You will be made welcome.' So Buan, Mes Gegra's wife, slept with Athirne that night. Athirne remained on the circuit of Leinster for a whole year, and took 150 queens, the wives of princes and nobles of Leinster, and carried them off to his own country."