Pharoah Narmer of Egypt
Narmer was born in 3050 BC. He died in 3000 BC.
General Notes
Pharoah of Egypt (I Dynasty), traditionally the first Pharoah of Unitd Egypt
The knowledge of king Narmer emerged in 1895 when his famous palette was found in Hierakonpolis (see main text below). His name can be interpreted as "the biting catfish" written by a catfish and a chisel. His queen was Neit-Hotep whose big mastaba-tomb was found in Nagada. It contained sealings with the name of King Aha as well, indicating that he was their son who took care of the funeral.
He was buried at the royal cemetery in Abydos in a modest tomb just beside the big funeral complex of his presumed son Aha.
He does not exist (at least with the name Narmer) in later lists over Egyptian kings. Left: close-up detail from his green slate palette (back side) where he is wearing the white crown of Upper Egypt.
They had a son named
Page last modified 6/19/2018