Florentin, évêque élu de Genève1 b. between 480 and 485, d. after 513, #10442 Appears on charts: Pedigree for Carolus I Magnus, empereur auguste: <> Senator of Geneva in Burgundy, the Frankish Kingdoms.2 Florentin, évêque élu de Genève was born between 480 and 485. Bishop Elect of Geneva in Roman Empire, in 513.3 He married Artémie, noble gallo-romaine, daughter of St. Rusticus, évêque de Lyons <p168.htm> and N. N. de Limoges <p168.htm>, in 513.4,5 He died after 513. Children of Florentin, évêque élu de Genève and Artémie, noble gallo-romaine: Nicetius, évêque de Lyons <p332.htm> daughter of Florentius de Genève <p332.htm>+ Arthemia de Genève <p127.htm>+ b. c 515? Gondulf, évêque de Metz <p168.htm> b. c 523 [S175] <s12.htm> Christian Settipani, Les Ancêtres de Charlemagne (France: Éditions Christian, 1989), pg. 111. Hereinafter cited as AdC. [S227] <s19.htm> Bishop of Tours Gregory, Historia Francorum (The History of the Franks) (London, England: Penguin Books, Ltd., 1974), pg. 11. Hereinafter cited as GT. [S175] <s12.htm> Christian Settipani, AdC, pg. 172. [S227] <s19.htm> Bishop of Tours Gregory, GT, pg. 11 - Florentinus, Senator of Geneva m. Artemia. [S1132] <s12.htm> "A 4000-Year Old DFA", App. A:5, A 4000-Year Old Descent from Antiquity: From the 12th Egyptian Dynasty to the Capetians and Beyond., online soc.medieval.gen, printout dated May 2001. Previously published in hard copy (.: ., 1995-1998). Hereinafter cited as "DFA (4000 yr)".