John was from Gravesend, England. He came to America on the ship "Ye Merchant's Hope" in 1635 at the age of 22 years. He settled in Accawmack County, Virginia and then on to Northumberland County, Virginia where he died 4 September 1652. The early Colonial Court Records for Northumberland Co. Va. Vol. 2, reveal that Barbary Dennis, b. England, bereaved mother and widow, was administrator of the estates of her son, John, Jr., deceased 7-31-1652 and her husband, John, Sr. deceased 9-4-1652. Sons Richard and Paschall were mentioned in the settlement of the estates, 11-25-1652; Also daughter Mary Garrett was given her portion of the estates. (Col. Abstracts, Northumberland Co. Va., Vol 19 & 20) From the Library of Virginia, lands mentioning a John Dennis: GRANTEE Dennis, John. grantee. DATE 16 July 1654. NOTE Location: Northumberland County. NOTE Grantee(s): Dennis, John, Orphans of . NOTE Description: 350 acres north upon a branch of great Wicocomoco River, commonly called Dennis' Creek. . NOTE "350 acres formerly pattd. to John Dennis their father, Sept. 15, 1649." NOTE Source: Land Office Patents No. 3, 1652-1655, p. 265 (Reel 2). GRANTEE Dennis, John. grantee. DATE 15 October 1649. NOTE Location: County location not given. NOTE Description: 350 acres at great Wicocomoco River, bounded on the northern parts with a branch of the sd. Wicocomoco River. NOTE Source: Land Office Patents No. 2, 1643-1651, p. 177 (Reel 2). GRANTEE Roper, William. grantee. DATE 6 September 1636. NOTE Location: Accomack County. NOTE Description: 150 acres a Small Neck of land lying between the land of John Dennis and the land of Henry Charlton. NOTE Source: Land Office Patents No. 1, 1623-1643 (v.1 & 2), p. 375 (Reel 1). GRANTEE Gascoyne, Thomas. grantee. DATE 3 September 1649. NOTE Location: County location not given. NOTE Description: 250 acres in Great Wicocomoco River being a necke of land bounded on the northerne part by a branch part.g this from the land of John Dennis. NOTE Source: Land Office Patents No. 2, 1643-1651, p. 180 (Reel 2). GRANTEE Garlington, Christopher. grantee. DATE 4 June 1663. NOTE Location: Northumberland County. NOTE Description: 150 acres on a creek issuing out of the south side of great Wicocomoco River, adjoins land of John Dennis, decd. NOTE Source: Land Office Patents No. 5, 1661-1666 (v.1 & 2 p.1-369), p. 136 (Reel 5). GRANTEE Dennis, Richard. grantee. DATE 26 April 1656. NOTE Location: Northumberland County. NOTE Description: 400 acres 350 acres part thereof. North upon a branch of great Wicocomoco River commonly called Dennis' Creek. 50 acres the residue N. Et. upon the said land. NOTE Source: Land Office Patents No. 4, 1655-1664, p. 44 (Reel 4).
Father: John DENNIS </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=loisbranch&id=I40245> Marriage 1 Barbary UNKNOWN </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=loisbranch&id=I03898> b: in England (Accomack Co. VA?)
Martha DENNIS </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=loisbranch&id=I27120>
John DENNIS , Jr </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=loisbranch&id=I27119> b: BET. 1607 - 1614 in VA
Richard DENNIS </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=loisbranch&id=I27117> b: ABT. 1609 in England
Mary DENNIS </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=loisbranch&id=I03896> b: BET. 1610 - 1612 in Northumberland CO. VA
Pascall DENNIS </cgi-bin/igm.cgi?op=GET&db=loisbranch&id=I27118> b: ABT. 1611 in England
Ancestral File Number: 1VF6-LPF
John Dennis Sr. came to Virginia on "Ye Merchant's Hope" beingtransported by Daniel Cugley about June 1635. He was initially in theNewport News area;but by 1650 was in Northumberland Co., Virginiaadjacent to Dennises Creek on the south side of Wicomocoko River. He wasmarried to Barbary, maiden name unknown. He died between September andNovember 1652 of causes unknown.
1. Compendium of American Genealogy, Broderbund CD 200.
2. Records of Northumberland Co Va published by Antrim Press.
3. Legal records of Northumberland Co Va.
John Dennis immigrated to America aboard the ship "Ye Merchant's Hope,"arriving in Virginia in 1635.
(Virginia Colonial Abstracts, vol 1, Accomack County)
June 4, 1635. Daniel Cugley. 400 acres for transporting Paschal Crocker,Peter Varlow, Thomas Dymer, George Luckin, Thomas Peak, John Champion,Leonard Lenards, and John Dennis. [Did John Dennis name his son, Paschal,after Paschal Crocker? If so, does this suggest Barbara was related toPaschal Crocker?]
April 5, 1636. William Mellinge and John Dennis appraised the goods of MrNicholas Throgmorton, granted to James Cook.
August 8, 1636. At a court in Accomack, John Dennis, aged 28 or thereabouts, says Roger Roads and Mr Melling fell into hot words, Roads sayingMelling killed his sow, etc. [This record establishes that John Dennis,Jr. was born in about 1608.]
(Cavaliers and Pioneers, Patent Book 2, p. 183)
September 15, 1649. John Dennis, 350 acres, scituated at greatWicocomoco, bounded on the northern parts with a branch of said river, onthe southern part by a small branch, parting same from land of ThomasGascogne and making this a neck of land. For transporting seven persons:Richard Parker, Christopher Walsgrave, Barbery Dennis, Robert Swanson,Thomas Long, Thomas Acties--a servant of Capt Stoner.
"John Dennis, Jr. died on 31 Sept 1652. Debts due to John Dennis Junr whodyed in Virginia at Jo'n Dennis Senr's house in Wicocomocoe the last dayof July 1652. John Dennis Senr. upon Accot."
1652, July ... "Barbary Dennis, widow, to have comm. of admr. of estateof John Dennis, her husband, decd."
1653 ... "Whereas John Dennis Senr [sic--must be Jr.] doth owe unto Mr.Thomas Speke 300 lb tobacco, the court doth order that David Spiller, whomarried with the widow and administatrix of the said Dennis, shall withinten days make payment."
(Northumberland Co, Va, Abstracts)
An inventory of the Goods of John Dennis Junr who dyed at Wicocomoco atJohn Dennis Senr the ultimo July 1652, apraised by Rich Budd, Jo Greshamand Jo Gamblin, sworne before George ffletcher the 4th Septem 1652.
A bed and pillows two trading cloth blanketts and a white blankettpraised at .
Toboco 250
A stuffe cloke two stuffe sheets 80
4 yards of red bayes 90
3 Coates and a pare of breeches of Island cloth 100
2 pare of gray stockings a hatt 2 capps a pare knitt gloves a cloth shuteold 40
A kamaccoe old 70
A pare of bootes with a pare of spurrs and two pare new shooes 70
2 pare of drawers 3 shirts 5 plain bands a neckscloth 3 hankerchies 2towells
a looking glass 130
10 lb of Barbados indicoe an old sea Chest and other things 20
A Bible and 7 other bookes 50
A silver Dram-cup and 3 s in money a pewter Aqua vitea bottle and dramcup of
the same a pewter Aqua citca bottle and dram cup of the same an inckhorne3
Total 915
Septem 4th 1652
Debts due to John Dennis Junr who dyed in Virginia at Jo'n Dennis Senr'shouse in Wicocomocoe the last day of July 1652
John Dennis Senr upon Accot 1026
Thomas Kingwell by bill 148
Henry Hurst 100
Daniel the Smith 28
Total 1302
John Dennis Senr his account of john Dennis Junr his estate. The accountof John Dennis adminstrator of all and singular the goods and chattels ofJohn Dennis Junr deceased late whilest he lived of Great Wicocomocoe inthe County of Northu
From Abstracts of VA Land Patents by W. G. Stanard (found in VAGenealogies #1, Broderbund Software CD 174): 25 June 1635: Daniel Cugleywas granted 400 acres in Accomack Co., commonly called "the hog pennecke" due for the transportation of eight persons," one of whom is JohnDennis. Also on the boat was Paschall Crooker, for whom a Dennis son waslater named. Others were Peter Varlow, Thos Dyner, Georg Luckin, Thos.Peake, John Champion, Leonard Leonarde. The name of the ship, accordingto the Immigrant Ancestors listed in the Compendium of American Genealogy(Broderbund CD 200) was "Ye Merchant's Hope."
From Colonial Families of the United States, Vol 1: The first John Denniswas born in England in 1612 and sailed from Gravesend in Ye Merchant'sHope 31 July 1635.
From Peter Wilson Coldham, The Complete Book of Emigrants, pub 1987: JohnDennis is listed among persons to be transported from London to VA by theMerchant's Hope on 31 July 1635.
From BF, VCA (Beverly Fleet's Virginia Colonial Abstracts] for AccomackCo 1632-1637, p. 22: 16 Nov 1635: From the will of Robert Edmounds, "Ibequeath to my wife and child four hundred and _ pounds of tobacco, whichlyeth in Thomas Cole, John Dennis, and Robert Swanson's hands for myplantation." Found on FTM CD 187.
From BF, VCA for Accomack Co 1632-1637, p. 27: 5 Apr 1636: Appraisal byWm Mullinge and John Dennis of the goods of Mr. Nicholas Throgmorton,granted to James Cook." (p. 70 of original) Found on FTM CD 187.
From BF, VCA for Accomack Co 1632-1637, p. 30: John Dennis, aged 28 orthereabouts, says Roger Roads and Mr. Mulling "fell into hott words,"Roads saying Mulling killed his sows, etc. (p. 74 of original) Found onWFT CD 187. On p. 80 of the original (same source), Robert Westcomplained that William Ward was at the house of John Dennis one wholeday playing at nine pins when Ward should have been watching Mr. West'scattle.
From BF, VCA for Accomack Co 1632-1637, p.34 (p. 87 of original: Thesecurity for John Dennis and Pasko Crooker ordered to pay Tho Hunt 2 bblcorn being rent for a boat at 1 bbl a week.) Found on FTM CD 187.
From BF, VCA for Accomack Co 1632-1637, p.64 (p. 136 of original): JohnDennis complains of John Parramore concerning a sow he bought of him thatevidently went home. The Court orders that the sow be redelivered toDennis. If he has not paid cash for it, then Parramore to have her again.Found on FTM CD 187.
From BF, VCA for Accomack Co 1632-1637, p.64 (p. 147 of original): JohnDennis to receive 20 lashes for contempt of Court. Found on FTM CD 187.
From BF, VCA for Accomack Co 1632-1637, p.64 (p. 148 of original): JohnDennis to deliver a sow to John Parramore to replace one he killed. Foundon FTM CD 187.
According to records of Accomack Co court, there was a dispute betweenJohn Dennis and John Wilkins:
Dated November 23, 1640: "The Condition of this present recognizance ofone hundred poundes unto his Majestie is such that if the above boundJohn Dennis of Accomake planter doe make his personall apparance attJames Cittye before the Governor and Counsell at the next quarte Courtthen and their held to prosecute against John Wilkins gentleman that thenthis present recognizance to be voyd and of noe effect or otherwise tostand and remaine in full force and power and virtue." [p. 21 oforiginal]
Dated March 8, 1641: "It is Ordered by this Court that John Wilkins shallupon sight heerof putt in sufficient securitye unto his Majestie in thepenaltye of Five hundred poundes sterling for his appearance at the nextQuarter Court, then and there to Answere the Suite of John Dennis andPascho Corcker..." [p. 71 of original]
Dated April 26, 1642: John Dennis, Pasco Crocker, and Mr. John Wilkinshad a difference of opinion on some matter that was "transferred by theGovernor and Counsell from James Citty for the ending and determyneingthereof." (p. 81 of original]
From Beverly Fleet VA Colonial Records of Northumberland Co: John Dennisacquired land adj Thomas Gascoyne 15 Sept 1649. Found on FTM CD 187.
From Beverly Fleet VA Colonial Records of Northumberland Co: John signsoath to Commonwealth of England 13 April 1652. Found on FTM CD 187.
From BF, VCA for Northumberland Co.: Sept 4 1652, debts due to JohnDennis Jr, who dyed in Virginia at John Dennis Senrs house in Wicocomocoein the county of Northumberland, the last day of July 1652. John DennisSenr. claimed the bulk of the younger man's estate for expenses incurredin transporting the him from Newport News, supporting him for severalmonths, funeral supper, burial, etc. What relationship was this JohnDennis Jr to John Dennis Sr.? Most likely the younger man was a cousin ornephew of John Dennis Sr., as the custom was to call any younger malerelative having the same name "Jr" when there were two in the same placetogether. Nowhere in the records is John Dennis Jr called the son of JohnDennis Sr. Dennis Jr must have led a wandering life, since hispossessions included a sea chest and several books. He may have been arecent immigrant. Found on FTM CD 187.
From Northumberland County Orders 1652-1665, dated September 20, 1652:The Court doth order that John Dennis shall have a commission of Admr ofthe Estate of John Dennis, deceased, he putting in security for thesame."
From BF, VCA for Northumberland Co.: 21 Nov 1653, John Dennis's age isgiven when he testified in a suit, as about 34 or 35. This conflicts withthe age given in a previous note by a few years. Found on FTM CD 187.
John Dennis died in January 1653 (52/53). An inventory of his estate,made January 26, 1653, showed that his possessions were valued at 15,850lb of tobacco. Found on FTM CD 187.
John Dennis' widow Barbary later married David Spiller. From VCANorthumberland Co. 1652-55: "Colo Mottrom agt David Spiller, whereas JohnDennis Sr. doth owe Mr. Tho Speke 330 lb tobo, the Court doth order thatDavid Spiller, who married with the widow and Adm of the said Dennisshall within 10 days make payment (26 Feb 1653/54). On 13 April 1657 (BF,VCA) David Spiller became the Guardian of his three orphaned sons. InDavid Spiller's will recorded 21 October 1658 mention is made of "mysonnes" Richard, Pasco [Paschall], and John Dennis. No mention is made ofhis wife or of the daughter Mary. Also from BF, VCA: Account of cattlebelonging to children of John Dennis in the hands of David Spiller.Children named are Richard and Pascall. 13 April 1657. Found on FTM CD187.