BIOGRAPHY: The origin of the name . . . Chamnes s The English people are of the Teutonic race and originated in an admixtur e of Anglo-Saxon, Danish and Norman blood. The name Champness as it appea red in England, was of Danish and Norman origin. A certain field, lying o n a promontory in Denmark, was called Kampness. This became the surname o f the family who owned and occupied the field. As time progressed, new ge nerations came on; some of them took names slightly varying from the orig inal and were carried into contiguous nations. It appeared in Normandy an d was carried by a Norman into England, where it appeared as Champness, a nd continues in this form to the present day. The middle letter in the na me was cumbersome, would naturally be left out in the pronunciation and w hen once left out in the pronunciation, would ere long be left out in th e spelling. From the book, "The Chamness Family in America"