Atholl, Perthshire, Scotland
References (7)
Marriage / Union:
Crinan (Grimus) Mormaer the Thane of Atholl & Bethoc (Beatrix) of Scone
(m. Bet 1000 and 1010 )
0980 Individual:
Crinan (Grimus) Mormaer the Thane of Atholl
(b. 0980 )
0980 Individual:
Olith Thorda Donada of Scotland
(b. ~0980 )
1005 Individual:
Bethoc (Beatrix) of Scone
(d. >1005 )
1010 Individual:
Duncan de Mormaer of Atholl
(d. >1010 )
1010 Individual:
Daughter of the Isles
(d. >1010 )
1031 Individual:
Malcolm III Caennmor Dunkeld of Scotland
(b. ~1031 )