REFN: 2174 [lillief.ged] Was married inNorwich, Connecticut. Moved north to the New Hampshire Gra nt s. IN 1774 Amos and their 13 year old son Solomon left Connect ic ut to go north and build a home for the family. They decided upon a cl ear ing in the small town of Salisbury. Together they built a cabin lar ge eno ugh for teh whold family. They were finished with teh cabin by t he spri ng of 1775, but they still needed to clear land to plant whe at so teh fami ly would have bread the next winter. While they were doi ng this, a lar ge maple twisted and pinned Amos to the ground, killing h im instantly. Fra ntically, Solomon chopped the tree aaway and freed his f ather's body. Th en he ran all the way to Middlebury to the home of Benja min Smalley. Smal ley and his two sons, Imri and Alfred, went with solom on to the Salisbu ry clearing and they brought Amos's body back to the Mid dlebury Burial pl ot where Smalley's two daughters were buried.
Amos and Ann were married in a religious ceremony on September 17th, 1755.1 They had three sons and two daughters, named Solomon, Ephraim, Samuel, Hannah and Susanna.