[basham.ged] [Verta Mae Gause2.FTW] Where did the Gauses come from? The first Gause family members in Ame ri ca that we are descended from were found in Virginia in the early 160 0' s. We can follow them by the deeds to lands that they had bought and s ol d. We see the Gause name printed more times as reference points in t he wo rding of deeds of lands adjacent to the lands owned by the Gause fam il y. As the Gauses moved through North Carolina and onto South Carolin a, th eir course can be plotted by the land transactions and other record ed pape rs along the way. It has been said that they were French Huguenot, which is not to s ay th at they were French descendants, but that they subscribed to the Fre nch Hu guenot's religious convictions. The only mention of religious fai th th at has been found in researching the early Gause family in Americ a, has be en that of the Methodist faith.