St Brochwel Ysgythrog & Mrs St Brochwel Ysgythrog
They have a son named
Cynan Ap
Family Notes
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural[geddo wn.ged]
[26879 54.ged]
[26842 72.ged]
[26800 41.ged]
[266785 6.ged]
[2659833 .ged]
[2657668. ged]
[264 5847. ged]
CHAN 8 Feb 2003@@S024 8 81@@Date of Imp or t: Aug 27, 20 03[ geddown.ged]
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural[ geddown.ged]
[268 7954.ged]
[268427 2.ged]
[26 67856.ged]
[265983 3.ged]
[ d]
[264 5847.ged]
CHAN 8 Feb 2003@@S02 4 881@@Date of Imp or t: Aug 27, 20 03
Personal Details
St Brochwel Ysgythrog
St Brochwel was born about 0493.
Mrs St Brochwel Ysgythrog
Mrs St Brochwel is no longer alive.
Cynan Ap Brochwel
Cynan Ap was born about 0544.
Page last modified