Malahule Haldrick Eysteinsson & Mrs Malahule Eysteinsson
They had two sons named
Richard De
Ralph De
Family Notes
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural
_FRE L Natural
_MRE L Natural[geddo wn.ged]
[26879 54.ged]
[268004 1.ged]
[2671169 .ged]
[2667856. ged]
[2659833.g ed]
[264 584 7.ged]
CHAN 8 Fe b 2003@@S024 881@@D ate of Imp ort: A ug 27, 20 03[geddown.ged]
_FREL Natural
_ MREL Natural
_FRE L Natural
_MREL Natural[geddown.ged]
[2 687954.ged]
[26842 72.ged]
[2680041.g ed]
[265 9833.ged]
[2657668. ged]
[264 5847.ged]
CHAN 8 Feb 2003@@S024 881@@Date of Imp ort: Aug 27, 20 03
Personal Details
Malahule Haldrick Eysteinsson
Malahule Haldrick was born about 0834. Malahule Haldrick is no longer alive.
Mrs Malahule Eysteinsson
Mrs Malahule is no longer alive.
Richard De St Sauveur
Richard De was born about 0893 in
Maer, Norway
. He died in 0993.
Ralph De Bayeux
Ralph De was born about 0895.
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