Alphonso XI Castile Leon & Maria Of Portugal
They had a son named
Pedro I Peter The Cruel
Family Notes
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural[geddo wn.ged]
[26879 54.ged]
[26842 72.ged]
[26800 41.ged]
[266785 6.ged]
[2659833 .ged]
[2657668. ged]
[264 5847. ged]
CHAN 8 Feb 2003@@S024 8 81@@Date of Imp or t: Aug 27, 20 03[ geddown.ged]
_FREL Natural
_MREL Natural[ geddown.ged]
[268 7954.ged]
[268427 2.ged]
[26 67856.ged]
[265983 3.ged]
[ d]
[264 5847.ged]
CHAN 8 Feb 2003@@S02 4 881@@Date of Imp or t: Aug 27, 20 03
Personal Details
Alphonso XI Castile Leon
Alphonso XI was born on August 13th, 1311. He died at the age of 38 on March 26th, 1350 in
Gibraltar, Spain
Maria Of Portugal
Maria Of was born in 1313. She died at the age of 15 in September 1328.
Pedro I Peter The Cruel Castile Leon
Pedro I Peter The Cruel was born in 1334 in
Morales, Spain
. He died in
Monteil, Spain
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