Name Prefix:<NPFX> Baron
BURIAL: Priory of Hexham, Northumberland, ENGLAND
NOTE: Lord of REDESDALE, 1226-1245
The Eldest son of Richard de Umfreville, Lord of Redesdale. Sykes says the he died in Passion week. By his marriage to Maud/Matilda of Angus (the Scottish King's second Cousin) his son Gilbert inherited the Earldom of Angus. Gilbert may have been using the title of Earl between 1243 and 1245 so I have included him in this section. Manor lands atOtterburn are mentioned in Gilbert's will amongst the list of his property. This may indicate that he was the owner if not the builder of Otterburn tower. TheHamilton family trace their ancestry back to Gilbert through a shadowy figureknown as Gilbert De Beaumont alias De Hamildon (Or Gilbert De Hamildun) claiming him as a son of Gilbert and his first wife Theophania. During the Scottish wars of independence many records were lost so it is difficult to trace people from these times. Things are also complicated by the customs of referring to nobles by either their surname OR their landholding. It does seem odd that Gilbertshould name two of his sons Gilbert even if they do have different mothers although it is not uncommon for two sons to have the same name if one died as an infant, Robert, the 2nd Earl, did this.