"The Plantagenet ancestry; being tables showing over 7,000 of the ancestors ofElizabeth (daughter of Edward IV and wife of Henry VII) the heiress of t @ p. 58
The cited information was published by 13 Feb 2001 (Ref: p. 58) The author/originator was Turton, William Harry, 1856-1938. (Main).
Source Notes
TITL "The Plantagenet ancestry; being tables showing over 7,000 of the ancestors ofElizabeth (daughter of Edward IV and wife of Henry VII) the heiress of the Plantagenets."TEXT DESCRIPTION: xvii, 274 p. (chiefly geneal. tables) 36 cm. NOTES: Reprint of the1928 ed. Bibliography: p. xiii-xv. SUBJECTS: Plantagenet, House of Families ofroyal descent. Great Britain--Genealogy.