[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
! Thomas was a widower. He was admitted a member of the first Congregational church in Charlestown, Massachusetts on the 7th, 10th mo., 1644. He was one of the founders of a Baptist Church in Charlestown in 1665 and a licensed preacher of that denomination. He was fined and imprisoned for his belief and fled from persecution to Nantucket, whether Margery took him for her fourth husband. He sent a letter to George Little of Newbury, dated "Nantucket Island, 25 of the 8 month, 1682" which was published in the New England Hist. Gen. Register, 1862, pg. 25, from which is quoted the following:
"This is further to let you understand, I have married to one Margery Colman, a widdow, on the island Nantucket, where I now am. I believe God hath provided for me & given me a meet help, a very loving wife, one in charity & walking, & I judge for the Lord, & a true lover of the pepell & church of the Lord, & I se nothing but the Lord blessing our indavors, we may live comfortably, though both aged & but crazy. ....I & my wife, entreat you to remember our harty love, to our brother Chandler & his wife, & all their children, intreating him, if he have my husband Colman's mind, which himself did write, & my husband Colman did set his hand to it, how he would leave me a confortable maintynance, if he died, & left me a widow. My wife desires, he wold be pleased, to send it, if he have the same, as judging it might be of great benefit & use unto her, for her husband Colman's sons, deals very hardly by her, & keeps & takes what they can from me, and requites me very unworthlly, for all my care & endeavors for their good, which is a great grief & trouble unto me, but we trust the Lord will bear us up & grant what is necessary, and give us contentment in our spirits, in that portion he in his wisdom shall carve out unto us."
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