[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
[Brøderbund WFT Vol. 11, Ed. 1, Tree #4194, Date of Import: Sep 6, 1999]
My father, Armand Ferdinand Joly was a very able athelete when he was a
young man, having played both semi-professional baseball for the Powhatan
Club and on a rollo-pollo club (roller-hockey) that toured all over New
After graduating from eighth grade he became an apprentice in the
Langelier Tool and Die plant where he learned the trade of a draftsman.
For the rest of his life he was a machine-tool designer. He was employed
at the Brown and Sharpe Manufactoring Company in Providence until World
War II when gas rationing prohibted driving to Providence. He then became
a draftsman at the Quonset Point Naval Air Station in North Kingstown in
the engineering department. After the war, he was discharged. For the
remainder of his employment he worked as a Tool Designer for the Leviton
Manufacturing Company of Green Point, Brooklyn, N.Y. at itsRhode Island
plant on Jefferson Boulevard, Warwick, R.I. He retired in 197O at the age
of 7O.
On June 21, 1928, he married Margaret Elizabeth Adams after meeting her
when she was employed for a short time at Brown and Sharpe Companyafter
graduating from Pembroke College, Brown University. They lived in an
apartment in Providence a short time then moved to Wickford and lived on
Reynolds Street with my grandfather, G. Allen Adams. Both my sister,
Carolyn and Iwere brought up in this house. We lived with Grandpie until
he died in 1943. Also our Uncle Larry (Lawrence E. Adams) lived with us
until he was married to Gabriella Hamilton in 1945. Our parents bought out
Lawrence and Joseph's interest in the Reynolds Street property after the
death of my grandfather, G. Allen Adams in 1943.
After Mother died suddenly on May 13, 1965, Dad lived in the Reynolds
Street house for 19 more years until he sold it to Mr. Naghesian who owned
the former Saunders's Boatyard, now Wickford Cove Marina. He moved to
Sect. 8 Senior Citizens housing off Post Rd.(former Navy housing) behind
theNorth Kingstown Public Safety building for a year until he died while
on a trip to Texas with us to see Grandson Jim who was a Navy Pilot in
training in Beeville.
Anita J. Easterbrooks 9/5/94