[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
EDUC blinded 830Heribert, possible son of St. William and brother of Bernard ofSeptimania, blinded in 830, considered by Settipani as possiblyfather ofCunegonde, wife of Bernard, king of Italy, whose
origins are notknown. This way he would have brought the name 'Heribert' into theCarolingian/Vermandois family. Settipani believes agranddaughter of thismarriage, a sister of Heribert I of
Vermandois, may have marriedWido,count of Senlis, and transmitted the name 'William' to the dukesofNormandy and kings of England via their possible daughter Poppa,wife ofRollo and mother of the duke
William Longsword (d. 942).ChristianSettipani, _La prehistoire des Capetiens_ (Villeneuve d'Asq,1993),213-14; 217-20 & stemma, p. 221. NB against this, some believethatHeribert was son of St.
William by his other wife and notCunegonde,because Bernard's wife Dhuoda cites Heribert as her son's'avunculus',which in a paternal context should mean specifically 'father'shalf-brother').
Settipani's onomastic argument in favor of thisseries oflinks is tentative at best.
DATE 5 JUL 1997