[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
ID: I01144
Name: Jean GAUDET 1
Sex: M
ALIA: Jehan /Godet/
Birth: 1575 in Martaize, Loudun, Vienne, France 1
Death: 1671 in Acadia 2
Reference Number: 1144
Notes on this page, unless otherwise noted, are by Leonard William Gaudet A.K.A. Jean/Jehan Gaudet/Godet -
Ronald Joseph Arthur Gaudet
Jean (Jehan) Gaudet is considered to be the patriarch of the Gaudet family because he was the oldest & first Gaudet known to have come to
Acadia. - Ronald Joseph Arthur Gaudet
According to Massignon, in 1671 Jean Gaudet had 22 grand-children and 10 great-granchildren thus become the ancestor of one-tenth of the
Acadian population. - Thom McCabe
The Gaudet Family Coat of Arms
In the 15th century, only royalty and some in the bourgeois class had coats of arms. None of the Acadian pioneers had coats of arms. Today, anyone can apply to the Canadian Heraldic Authority in Ottawa for a coat of arms. It was agreed upon at one of the 1993 general meetings of the Gaudet Association in New Brunswick, that Monsieur Robert Pichette, Fellow de la Société héraldique du Canada, be approached and asked if he would design a coat of arms that would represent the Acadian Jean Gaudet from Martaizé, France and all of his descendants. The coat of arms created for the 1994 reunion of the Gaudet families of Acadia at St-Joseph, New Brunswick, consists of the symbols which refer to the etymology of the name and the origins of our first ancestor Jean (Jehan) Gaudet, who settled in Acadia about 1636. According to Albert Dauzat from his Etymology Dictionary of Family names of France, Gaudet is known to derive from Gaudon, ancient German baptismal name of Waldo, from Waldon, governor. The spelling "Godet," means "a manufacturer of godets" (pots, bowls or glass). Two dictionaries describe the godet as a small drinking bowl with no stem or handle, of which the brim is lobed (rounded divisions). In botany, a godet refers to the shell or cap that holds the acorn from an oak tree. To show the etymology of the Gaudet name, a "godet" is
surmounted under the acorn in the shield. The color green, called sinople in heraldic language, reminds us that Jean Gaudet and his son,
Denis, originating from Martaizé, near Loudun, Department of Vienne, France, had first settled as farmers on the north bank of the Port
Royal river, opposite Prée Ronde. The acorn is a symbol of strength and firmly rooted deep in the soil of Acadia. The acorn represents the
Acadian roots of the Gaudet family and their loyalty to the land they had farmed. Acadia is symbolized by the star; this symbol was adopted
at Miscouche, P.E.I. in 1884 with the French tri-color for the Acadian national flag. The Port Royal river is represented by the wavy bands,
which is the method used in heraldry for water; and the division of the shield symbolizes a port. The fleur de lis is an ancient emblem of
France. The motto "On parle de toi," translated into French from the Latin phrase "fabula narratur," expresses very well, the spirit and
continuity of the Gaudet family in the history of Acadia. The blazonment of the Gaudet family coat of arms is as follows: Chapé-ployé au 1 fascé-ondé d'argent et d'azur au godet d'or en pointe surmonté d'un gland de chêne aussi d'or, 2 de sinople à étoile à cinq rais d'or à dextre et à une fleur de lis du même à senestre. Sur un listel sous l'écu, la devise: "On parle de toi."
Jean Gaudet (Godet) was listed as a censitaire on the fief at Martaizé in 1634. Martaizé was part of the seigneury of Aulnay, the property of Nicole de Jousserand, who was the mother of Charles d'Aulnay, governor of Acadia from 1636 to 1650. The village of Martaizé and it's environs was called the "fief de Beaulieu" or sometimes "Rallette." The church of Saint-Maurice de Martaizé still exists to this day. The inventory document of Nicole de Jousserand's fief de Beaulieu in the parish of Martaizé, (Archives Départementales de l'Indre et Loire, Série C, Liasse 601, signed before the notaries Messieurs Aubri and Pasquier, at Loudun on the 21st October 1634) states the following: "Je em en la fresche des Godets desclares douze boisseaus froment mesure de Loudun et trois derniers de cens a rente feodalle deue par Jean Gendre, Jean Godet, René Godet le jeune, Francois Godet, la veufve Vincent Besard, Pierre Giroire et Renée Besard sa femme Jean Besard, Simon Joubert les heritiers Pierre Bourg de sauseau et les heritiers Francois Godet par raison d'une piece du terre et signer
estant en terre et signer estant en terre est du Rondonay le tout contenant ensemble et tenant deux septiers six boisseaus..." (A "fresche" is an old French word for rent due to the seigneur from his or her fief) Jean Gaudet and his son Denis, came together from France about the
year 1636. They settled first on the north bank of the Port-Royal river, opposite la Prée Ronde (Round Hill), about ten miles upriver
from the fort, on property that still belonged to the Gaudet family in 1710.
Extract from the census of Port Royal, Acadia, dated November 1671:
Laboureur- Jehan Gaudet aagé de quatre vingt et seize ans, sa femme Nicolle Colleson aagée de soixante et quatre ans. Leurs enfant Jehan Gaudet aagé de 28 ans, Leurs terre en Labour trois arpens en deux places, Leurs bestes a cornes six pièces, Leurs brebis trois pièces.
Jean Gaudet had two brothers, Aubin and François. They were born between 1552 and 1596 and they died between 1566 and 1674; presumedly in France. - Ronald Joseph Arthur Gaudet
Not sure if the rest of Jehan`s children came with him to Acadia when he came with his son, Dennis. - Ronald Joseph Arthur Gaudet
On November 12, 1999, Susan (DuBois) Pacheco posted a message on the Gaudet Family Genealogy Forum that the first wife of Jean may have been a woman named Marguerite Martin. Susan's E-mail address is spacheco@@middlesexbank.com - Ronald Joseph Arthur Gaudet.
Father: ? GAUDET b: ABT 1549 in Martaize, Poitou, France
Marriage 1 Francoise-Marie DAUSSY b: 1601 in France
Married: 1624 3
Married: ABT 1620 in FRA 4
Married: 1624 5
1. Marie-Francoise GAUDET b: 1623 in Martaize, Loudun, Vienne, France
2. Denis GAUDET b: ABT 1625 in Martaize, Vienne, France
Marriage 2 Nicole COLESON b: 11 JUN 1612 in Martaize, Loudun, Vienne, France
Married: 1628 in France 6
Married: 1628 in France 7
1. Marie-Anne GAUDET b: FEB 1632/33 in Martaize, Loudun, France
2. Jean Le Jeune GAUDET b: ABT 1643 in Port Royal, Acadie
1. Title: DC0042 Richard (Dartez)
Author: Whitney Dartez
Note: Richard (700) and Vigneau (42)
Note: Rootsweb: dartez
Call Number:
Media: Electronic
2. Title: DC0016 Early Acadians eg Cyr (Horman)
Author: Sheilah Horman
Note: some old Terriots etc Contains very extensive notes about many individuals. 2826 Cyr persons
Note: Very Good
Note: World Connect: smhorman as of May 21, 2000
Call Number:
Media: Electronic
3. Title: DC0067 Richard (Thibault)
Author: Charles Thibault thibault745@@home.com
Note: good
Note: World Connect
Call Number:
Media: Book
Text: M. 1624 France
4. Title: DC0019 Acadiens (T.Stuart)
Author: Tim Stuart t-stuart@@comcast.net
Note: World Connect: tstuart
Call Number:
Media: Electronic
Text: M. c 1620 in FRA
5. Title: DC0136 Mr. (C.E.Peterson)
Author: Charles E. Peterson peterson@@outerbounds.net
Note: World Connect: peterson_20
Call Number:
Media: Electronic
6. Text: M. 1624
Title: DC0042 Richard (Dartez)
Author: Whitney Dartez
Note: Richard (700) and Vigneau (42)
Note: Rootsweb: dartez
Call Number:
Media: Electronic
Text: M. Abt. 1640
7. Title: DC0000 LDS IGI
Author: LDS Family Search
Note: Good
Note: Internet
Call Number:
Media: Church Record
Text: M. 1628 France