[Richard Wydeville.FTW]
ALICE DE GANT, daughter and heir. She married Simon DE ST . Liz III, EARL OF NORTHAMPTON and EARL OF HUNTINCDON. Sh e and Simon, singly or together, confirmed the gifts of he r ancestors to various monasteries---Bardney, Bridlington , Kirkstead, Rievaulx, and Rufford. He died s.p.s., June 11 84, See HUNTINGDON. She died s.p.s., in 1185, having give n the mills of Folkingham to Sempringham Priory in order th at slic might be buried there, but appears to have been bur ied at Bridlington. [Complete Peerage VII:673, (transcribe d by Dave Utzinger)]
He [Simon de St Liz] married Alice, daughter and heir of Gi lbert (DE GANT), EARL of LINCOLN by Rohese, sister of Roger , EARL OF HERTFORD, and daughter of Richard FITZGILBERT o f Clare. He died s.p.s., June 1184, and was buried in St. A ndrew's Priory, to which he was a benefactor. At his deat h the Earldom of Northampton became extinct. His widow wa s buried at Bridlington. [Complete Peerage VI:645-6, XIV:3 95, (transcribed by Dave Utzinger)]