[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
!York, took oath of allegiance to Mass. govt. 22 Nov. 1652. Rem. to Kittery.
Sold land 23 April, 1662. [His wife] Florence and [son] Peter signed with
him, by their marks.
!He was perhaps the Robert Edge who came from London on the Hopewell in
1635. He was in York Co. ME by 1650 and Kittery, ME by 1661. 2
1.Title: Carmichael World Wide Database, Location: 54 Limekiln Row,
Castlefields, Runcorn, Cheshire, WA7 2LT, Eng,
Url: http://www.mersinet.co.uk/~jimmy/jimstree/dat367.htm#0
Author: jimmy@@carmichael.mersinet.co.uk Publication: 02 Feb 2001
2.Title: Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire
Publication: Genealogical Publishing Co, Inc, Baltimore, reprint 1991 (orig.
1828-1939 in 5 parts, Portland, ME) Page: P. 214.
3.Title: Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire
Publication: Genealogical Publishing Co, Inc, Baltimore, reprint 1991 (orig.
1828-1939 in 5 parts, Portland, ME) Page: P. 215.
4. Abbrev: D. B. Robinson's Genealogy Page Title: D. B. Robinson's Genealogy
Page RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project web site
haruspex&id=I19776 Author: D. B. (David) Robinson
5. Abbrev: MA & ME Families (Davis) Title: Maine and Massachusetts
Families in the Family of Walter Goodwin Davis (Harmon of Wells and
!Three volume set: I. Allanson to French, II. Gardner to Moses, andIII. Neal to
!The multi-ancestor compendia compiled and published by Walter Goodwin
Davis is one of the major achievements of twentieth-century genealogy.
These volumes authoritatively cover 180 families, all of Davis's colonial
forebears plus nineteen English families in the immediate ancestry of
American immigrants.
!The Davis opus is undoubtedly the premier work for northern New England,
and an often essential companion volume to the celebrated Genealogical
Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire , which it considerably expands,
especially for many Essex County families with ties further north. Almost
anyone with considerable New England ancestry--and as many as 100 million
living Americans, about 40 percent of the population, have some colonial
New England forebears--will descend from one or more, often a dozen or
more, ofthe families herein. Author: Walter Goodwin Davis Publication:
Baltimore, MD: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc., 1996 [Broderbund] Page:
Vol. I, p. 475
!Robert, perh. the same who came in -The Hopewell- from London, 1635, ag.
25, was in York 1650, rec. 3 a. gr. there 1653. By 1661 he had rem. to
Kittery side of the creek running into Braveboat Harbor, where he liv. ever
aft. Last ment. 1680. Lists 275, 276, 30. Wife Florence in 1650. 'Gamar
Edge' in 1690 had been liv. with Ann Crockett, partly or wholly at the
charge of Joshua Downing. Ch: Peter, b. by 1644, last ment. 1665.
Florence, appar. liv. with Robert Wadleigh in 1666. Appar. Patience, mar.
Philip Hatch, perh. Ann mar. Ephraim Crocket, among 'children' of right age
to be put out to service in 1655, accounting for poss. connections with
Pulman or Dixon.
!Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hamphire
by: Sybil Noyes, Charles Thornton Libby, Walter Goodwin David,
The Southworth-Anthoensen Press
Portland, Maine
pg 214