[Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED]
2 PLAC 800
2 SOUR S332582
4 TEXT Date of Import: 14 Jan 2004
Sources of information include:
Mrs Elizabeth Klein Canfield, Mrs Mildren Klein Gilbertson, the journal "The Way We Were" written by Luella. M (Klein) Schwalen (lms) and the book, "The Klein Family", by Pat Wiff
Lucille Canfield and William Canfield (husband of Elizabeth Klein) are sister-brother
From the book, "The Klein Family", by Pat Wiff pg 322
Mrs. Sherman Klein Dies; Rites Today
Mrs. Sherman (Lucile M.) Klein, 78 year old Trimbelle Township woman, died Monday evening in St. John1s hospital, Red Wing.
The funeral will be held this (Thursday) afternoon in the Winberg Funeral Home with the Rev. Douglas Dowling officiating. Burial will be made in Maple Grove Cemetery.
Born in Ellsworth March 10, 1900, she was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Canfield.
She was a graduate of Ellsworth High School and later taught rural schools in the county. Her marriage to Sherman Klein was an event of Septenber 1, 1925. She was a lifelong resident of the Ellsworth Community.
Surviving are her husband; a son, George of Pittsburgh, Pa., and a grand daughter. An in-fant son, a sister and a brother preceded her in death.