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Female Lawerentius Belgrave Click to view Lawerentius Belgrave in the family tree

Lawerentius was born about 1236 in <Belgrave, Holme, Lancashire, England>.1   Lawerentius is no longer alive.

Lawerentius' family with Lawerentius Belgrave

‌Lawerentius and Lawerentius were married in a religious ceremony about 1256 in <Belgrave, Holme, Lancashire, England>.1   They had a son named Rogerus.

1 Joanne's Tree.1 GED.GED
Further sources/citations:
"Pedigree Resource File - CD-Rom" @ Compact Disc #40     Pin #626389, "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson", daveanthes.FTW

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