1 _UID E3518AEA36C0804B8B86C005C3E87C1E843D
!#4569> Welsh Genealogies Ad 1400-1500 v1-p3,4,-v2-p273,-v3-p391,394,395*,416,-
v5-p768,790,-v6-p909 (FHl 942.9 D2fw);
#2105> Wales Visitation v1-p219* (FHL Q 942.9 D23d);
!#227> Hertford Co History-v2-p189 (FHL Q 942.58 H2c);
#243> Baronetcies Extinct-p370fn (FHL 942 D22bu);
#249> Miscellanea Genealogica-v5-p186,-v8-p209 (FHL 942 B2m);
#701> Harleian Society (Visitations)-v43-p33* (FHL 942 B4h);
#929> Surrey Co History-v2-p118* (FHL Q 942.21 H2ma);
#1079> Monmouthshire History-v1-p47,278,-v2-p142,-v3-p264,-v4-p59*,193,213*,219
(FHL Folio 942.43 H2b);
#1755> Monmouthshire Historical Tour (1906)-p82 (FHL 942.43 H2cw);
#2106> Glamorgan Pedigrees-p24* (FHL ES Q942.97 D2p);
#2226> Morgan and Glamorgan Genealogies-p258,306,311,320* (FHL 942.97 D2c);
#4114> Morgan History-p14 (FHL #1012640);
#4122> Morgan of Llantaram and Monasterevan-ped #355 (FHL GPED-FILE);
#11886> Golden Grove MSS-v2-pD882,885* (FHL #0104349-51);
#11915> British Genealogist-bk1-p3*,213* (FHL #0104355);
#11938> Welsh Pedigrees-p200 (FHL #0104381 it6);
#12434> Glamorgan History and Pedigrees-p177,178,181 (FHL #0104312 it5);
#12586> Glamorgan History and Pedigrees-p32 (FHL #0104312);
#12639> Herbert pedigrees, Earls of Pembroke-p487 (FHL #0826552 it3,4);
#12647> Llyfr Baglan-p256*,300 (FHL 942.97/B1 D2w);
ARCH REC> Clarke's History of Glamorgan; Glamorg 2 p320-321; England Pl New Ed
(birth 1426/1453);
!KIN> son and heir;
PL> also of Langstone;
LVG> in Llanmartin (Llanfarthin)-1482;
LVG> of Pencoed-1482;
TITLE> Esquire-1482;
TITLE> knighted-1495;
ORD> ARCH REC> B: 7 Apr 1966, E: 23 Apr 1966, SS: 14 Sep 1966 SL;
!ABEYANCE: A son, Morgan Morgan married to Lucy Hampton, is shown on the arch
rec. Lucy Hampton was married to Richard Newton not Morgan Morgan. ? as to
the existence of Morgan Morgan, birth 1473, B: 27 Oct 1965, E: 16 Dec 1965,
SP: 7 Dec 1966 Slake;
ABEYANCE: #2226-p320> married to two other wives;
^bornL1> of Pen-coed manor;