Orme de Davenport assumed the local name of Davenport when the villagewas granted to him by Gilbert Venables, who had received a grant of itfrom William, the Conqueror, in 1086. He was witness to a charter ofenfranchisement by Gilbert Venables in the time of William II (calledRufus, the Red) and Henry I, both sons of the Conqueror. The manorialhistory of the present township of Davenport, in Cheshire, involves asubject of rare occurrence even in Cheshire, the descent of a family inthe male line from the Norman Conquest of the Palatinate, possessing atthe present day the feudal powers which the local sovereign of thatPalatinate invested it. And preserving its own archives, in a series oforiginal documents, the proof of its ancient importance and its unbrokendescent.